Living the Christian Experience

A Life Long Journey of Faith



As I am missing the experience of going to Mass especially on Palm Sunday and facing Holy Week in isolation- I want to talk about my experience helping neighbors.  Many have requested mask through next door- so I have been Read more…


This Lent has, so far, been one of the most difficult and scary in memory for our family, our community, and our world.  When Lent began, the pandemic was on its way but still largely unknown.  As Denise and I Read more…


As we have been hearing over and over again on social media, these are unprecedented times. We are all trying to cope with and avoid a very dangerous Coronavirus – Covid-19.  I know that in my 72 years of life, Read more…


My paternal grandfather suffered from Alzheimer’s disease. So I guess it shouldn’t have come as that big of a shock when my father started showing symptoms of it. Or when he started to forget important things like where he had Read more…


A couple of days ago I heard a statement that I have heard many times before, “be true to yourself.”   The person went on to say that in order to be true to ourselves we had to really know who Read more…


When Christ was born into this world of beauty and sin, it didn’t take place at some fancy hospital.  He didn’t have a doctor or birthing mother at the scene to announce His arrival to a family of friends and relatives.  Read more…


Paul, the apostle to the gentiles, gave us his pedigree in Philippians 3:4b-6.  I too have a pedigree that I thought I could stand on.  I believe that I have faith, or at least I should since I am considered Read more…


Not long ago, I went to see the movie Unplanned. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s Abby Johnson’s story of her eight years of working at Planned Parenthood—from volunteer escort while still in college, to clinic counselor to clinic Read more…


Imagine that Jesus appears to you in your sleep and begins to speak. He says “I’m concerned that most people have come to believe that they’re going to heaven. And they believe not only are they going to heaven, but Read more…