Living the Christian Experience

A Life Long Journey of Faith



Which do you like better, peanuts or almonds?  This was the question posed by the gentleman ahead of me in the checkout line at the grocery store.  “Almonds”, I replied, as I wondered why he was asking.  I had noticed Read more…


  “The purpose of our lives is to be happy.” – Dalai Lama “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that Read more…


When Lent started this year I felt like, so now what do I do?  I didn’t want to just give up something again.   I started my search for ideas by focusing on what exactly does it mean for Christ to Read more…


One option for Easter Sunday morning’s Mass is from the Gospel of John (20:1-8). (I have written before on the Matthean Gospel option (here)). Like most of the resurrection accounts, John’s version paints a portrait of a journey that some Read more…


Here we are starting our second full week of Lent, or the week following the third Sunday of Lent. I am not sure what I expected this year upon entering the Lenten season but at this point, I would have Read more…

Bible Study

It has occurred to me that the only time that I have deemed something to be “unfair” is when it benefited someone else.  I never think of it to be unfair when it benefits me, even when I am aware Read more…

Social Justice

Greetings, Several weeks ago, I posted an article called, “Protecting Children”.  In this article I wrote about the numerous ways in which our children are being exposed to: beatings, school shootings, child trafficking and general abuse at home.   Within the Read more…


Greetings Everyone! As you might know from the past, we sometimes have a guest writer here on the LivingtheChristianExperience blog.  Today our newest writer hales from Savannah, Georgia.  Jeff is a former neighbor of our daughter Carmen in Iowa who Read more…


I happened across this quote while I was taking a time out from cutting and stacking tree branches that had fallen from our trees due to an ice storm a few weeks ago.  It was the metaphor of the words Read more…