Jesus tells us in Matthew 19:29 that they that leave all things will receive a hundredfold in return. “And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake Read more…
The other evening I was reading—rereading actually—a book called Stumble, Virtue and Vice and the Space In Between, by Heather King, when I ran across this quote written by a nun on retreat in 1992: Look for the good Read more…
“If God wills nothing but our best good, and if He has the power always to get what He wills, and if He makes no mistakes about what is in fact our best good, then it necessarily follows, it Read more…
It’s Not About Me. It sounds so simple. But it has proven extremely difficult for me to remember and to apply to my everyday life. It has been challenging to live as if the purpose of my life is Read more…
I will restore you to health; of your wounds I will heal you, says the Lord. Jeremiah 30:17 Back in 2003 I was diagnosed with a condition called Tracheal Stenosis which is scarring in the airway that causes the Read more…
SACRIFICIAL GIVING About a month ago, you might remember there was a hurricane by the name of Matthew that ended up going up the Southeastern United States coastline. Before it got to the US, it inflicted its wrath on Read more…
Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed? Too much to do and too little time to do it in? Have you ever felt like everyone is making demands of your time and you are being pulled in all different directions? Have Read more…
It’s Not About You. The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind or even your happiness. It’s far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions. Read more…
What do you think about heaven? I was talking with a friend not long ago, when in the course of conversation, I mentioned how I thought we would probably have jobs and work to do in heaven. He said he Read more…
Every journey ends at a destination, whether planned or not. Some destinations end positively and some not. The journey through…
Enjoyed it! Thank you, Ciro, for the time this took to research and write. God bless.
Thank you for encouragement this Friday morning.
Well said Ciro! The struggle is real, but I love how you summirized your opinions. Blessings to you and yours…
It wonderful that you enjoy our blog and thanks for reading. Marj