Living the Christian Experience

A Life Long Journey of Faith



Happy New Year to all our blog followers and prayers!  First, we’d like to say Thank You to all those who have passed on their gratitude for providing this space for posting their prayer needs.  We here at Living the Read more…


“One day, I saw two roads. One was broad, covered with sand and flowers, full of joy, music and all sorts of pleasures. People walked along it, dancing and enjoying themselves. They reached the end of the road without realizing Read more…


Greetings Everyone! As you might know from the past, we sometimes have a guest writer here on the LivingtheChristianExperience blog.  Today our newest writer hales from Savannah, Georgia.  Jeff is a former neighbor of our daughter Carmen in Iowa who Read more…


A few months ago, I published a reflection entitled “God is really Real”. In it, I asked you to imagine someone who was desperate to figure out whether God was real or not and as part of making that decision Read more…


I happened across this quote while I was taking a time out from cutting and stacking tree branches that had fallen from our trees due to an ice storm a few weeks ago.  It was the metaphor of the words Read more…

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Surveys show that that the number of people who do not believe there is a God is increasing every day. Pew Research Center says that today, only 81% of us believe there is a God. And while that may sound Read more…


  You’re probably thinking, “What a crazy question is that?” Of course I know why I pray. Prayer requests are sent to us very often, sometimes on a daily basis, from people needing our prayers. I pray for people to Read more…


“Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope”. 1Peter 3:15 Not long ago I published a blog entitled God is really Real. In the blog, I invited you to search Read more…


My soon to be 16 year old granddaughter, who lives within walking distance of us, has spent a lot of time at our house this summer. And we have spent quite a bit of time talking—mostly about her; her life, Read more…