Living the Christian Experience

A Life Long Journey of Faith


Many of us spend some time at the beginning of a new year reflecting on our lives the past year or maybe even longer. And when we do that, quite a few of us find things within ourselves that we wished were different, that we wished were better, or that we wished weren’t there at all. So we search for ways to improve or remove these things about ourselves and our lives that we feel will bring us more satisfaction, peace, happiness and love.

Many of us know that we would be better off if we exercised more (or at least a little) or if we lost a little weight. Some of us know it would be better for us if we ate healthier foods, took a more active approach to our physical health or spent more time on our personal wellbeing. Some of us believe it could make a big difference if we learned a new skill or hobby or if we spent more time with our families and friends. And some of us know things would be better if we drank less alcohol or stopped smoking.

We can spend a lot of time reflecting on how we can improve our physical lives—especially our health, our appearance and our relationships with other people.

But how much time have we spent reflecting on ways of improving our spiritual lives, our spiritual health and our relationship with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit?

If you’re like me, that answer might be “not nearly as much as I should”.

Why are we this way?

Why when we call ourselves Christians—when we profess to love God with all our heart, with all our being, with all our strength, and with all our mind—do we give so much thought to our physical lives and this world that we’re just passing thru and so little thought to our spiritual lives and our real home—heaven?

The only answer I can come up with is that I really don’t love God—at least not the way I am supposed to. Because if I did, things would be just the opposite.

Many years ago, I quit smoking. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. My doctor even said it could be harder than giving up heroin. I decided I was going to do it and I just quit one day. And no matter how often my body and my mind tried to convince me to just stop struggling and go back to the comfortable way things were, I refused to do it. And with God’s help, one day the pain and suffering from withdrawal was finally gone.

Maybe that’s what we have to do to put our spiritual lives and God first—to learn to love him with all our heart, with all our being, with all our strength, and with all our mind. We have to decide we’re going to do it—and we have to get rid of the things of this world that are fighting to hold us back and keep things as they are. And we have to just hold on and refuse to go back to our comfortable ways until with God’s help, one day, things are just the opposite of what they are now.

The real question is do we really want God enough to do it?

And if we don’t, the really big question might be—do we really love God at all?


  1. Well written, a lot to process and the question was and is quite challenging. My knee jerk reaction is that the drinking, smoking, eating and dieting are the physical tangible things that we can physically observe. Although I sell and want the Spiritual, God and faith, they are much harder to grasp and understand, so they tend to get put on the back burner when in fact they should be put on the front burner. I have something to meditate on.

  2. Excellent reflection Bill and that’s a good question. I looked through the hundreds of posts on my Facebook of what people are going to strive to do for 2018 and I did’t read any that indicated they were going to work on their faith life. Most were of the generic type, lost weight, find myself, be a better me, reflect more, more time and etc. and etc. But I didn’t find any that thought maybe God would be involved in their life changes. Not sure I included focusing on God to make 2018 a year of transformation. Thanks for the reminder and insight to think about adding this to my 2018 list. But then again, I know only to well, than any change in my life needs to involve God if it’s really going to happen. Anything that’s going to change should be because I’m listening to God and hearing what He wants for me in 2018. I haven’t heard that I should lose weight, as that’s my thing. God would like me to work more on doing and less on being, since we all know I’m a doer! Right now, is the time to listen and let God lead the way in 2018!

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