I recently read an article about the Pope’s visit to a children’s hospital in Poland during his trip to World Youth Day where when asked by a young child why God allows children to suffer, he could only tell Read more…
“For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” Luke 12:34 A few weeks ago a cousin of mine posted on Facebook an old picture of my grandmother she had found. That prompted several posts from other cousins, Read more…
Bible Study
In my Bible class for beginners I start out by asking them how many Gospels there are. There are those who are quick to answer with four, some who think that there might be four but not sure and those Read more…
Every journey ends at a destination, whether planned or not. Some destinations end positively and some not. The journey through…
Enjoyed it! Thank you, Ciro, for the time this took to research and write. God bless.
Thank you for encouragement this Friday morning.
Well said Ciro! The struggle is real, but I love how you summirized your opinions. Blessings to you and yours…
It wonderful that you enjoy our blog and thanks for reading. Marj