Listening to God
The readings the past couple of weeks have focused on spending time with God, which have led me to ask myself, “Do I really spend time listening to God and or being open to God?” Maybe I am more like Martha than I think. When I’m busy like Martha, there’s no time to just sit and wait to hear God calling you. So much to do, clean the house, read Facebook, run errands, read Facebook, go to work and catch up on Facebook. I was skyping with my older brother the other night and we were talking about this and he says, “I hope I don’t hear God speaking to me, as those people who do hear God talking to them get called to some really difficult tasks.” I laugh with him when he’s stating his views on this, but yet, I feel there’s a bit of truth within his commentary. As that’s probably what I’m doing when I’m being more like Martha. If I don’t hear a call to do something, I’m off the hook!
So when I think about living a Christian life, I wonder sometimes if I’m really doing it or not. When I read stories about the Saints I wonder, like my brother, about their lives and the difficulties they encountered. I think of how much easier my life is and yet in spite of what I’m sure would seem like a token life to any of the saints, I find myself complaining about so many things. The car ahead of me that’s taking so long to go around the corner, the line at the grocery store and why are you talking on their phone, the product I’m looking for is out of stock just when I need it and it won’t be in for two days. So, if I don’t hear God, then I don’t have to respond to anything either and I can just go about living my life.
These things pale in comparison to the lives of the saints and the lives they lived. These people gave up so much for their faith and they worked at living a Christian life even when it wasn’t an easy time to be a Christian. They listened to God’s call and trusted that their faith would see them through whatever came their way.
So as I listened again this past week to the scripture passage about Martha and Mary (Lk 10:38-42) I asked myself, “How much time do I spend each day being Martha rather than Mary?” Am I avoiding finding time to listen to God? Do I want to hear what things I’m being called to do? I know that when something goes wrong in my life I expect God to be listening to me. What if He was busy being Martha and not Mary? When I ask God for help to cure someone’s cancer, or help with finding a job, help with money worries, questions about growing old or problems with my health — is God listening?
Am I living a Christian life? Can I do better? I think there’s lots of room for improvement for me to become more like Mary: taking more time to read the bible and spiritual books as well as joining faith groups and praying or maybe just spending more time alone with God. I plan to start by setting aside time in the morning for meditation. God and I time. My friend Suzie once said, “I’m setting up a meeting time to go and have a visit with God”. I need to schedule daily time to visit with God and starting today I’m going to commit to make time every day to visit with God and work towards living my faith!!!
My best experiences in listening to God has come thru retreats like CEW. Not only the retreat itself but preparing for it requires a commitment of time and effort to seek what God’s plan is. The direction of our country is another example that can get me seeking what God’s plan is.
I totally agree, Lynn that the state of the country can certainly get us wondering about what is God’s plan and is he paying attention. I find it’s a good catalyst for prayer as that is what I feel is certainly needed in times like this.
We recently visited the Jubilee site nearby…Holy Trinity, New Corn Hill..I brought home a copy of Peter Kreeft’s book “Making sense of Suffering….where have I been my whole life never to have read anything of his!….what a gift…a few of us were sharing the fact that quite a few give up on Oremus after the third week…Kreeft has a likely answer on page 148…”our love for God is mixed with our fear of God…why else do we find it so hard to begin to pray?…hmmm…frozen smiles to keep love away…a Bette Midler lyric from Beaches…
It’s good to know there’s another Peter Kreeft fan out there. That is one of my favorite books. If you haven’t already, you should check out his website http://peterkreeft.com/home.htm
I am so glad I opened this email and found all this beautiful information. I have yet to read all of it since you all began in early July and here it is August. I have a great hunger for getting closer to Jesus, tho we never really get where we want because our life is a continuous journey, but some of you have found the closeness that I am seeking. Thank you for providing and sharing the beauty of our faith and helping some of us grow. Thank you for keeping me on your email lists.
So glad you have enjoyed what you’ve read so far and that you will continue to follow us! We hope to have posts a couple of times a week, but time does fly! Please feel free to share you comments as we’d like to see this become a community blog as we learn so much from each others stories!