Living the Christian Experience

A Life Long Journey of Faith



group.gifWelcome to our new blog, Living the Christian Experience.    We would like to thank you for finding us and hope that you will continue to be part of our ongoing efforts to share our Christian stories.  We believe that living the Christian Experience is an ongoing process and you’re never quite there until we die.  Each day is a new beginning on the journey, with new discoveries along our path.  One of our big discoveries was that we didn’t really own our faith.  We didn’t really know what we believed and why.  So we began our quest to own our faith.  Each of us searching in different ways to find what it was we really believed and why.  We each wanted to own our faith, be willing to defend it and understand what we were defending if necessary.  Do you know what you believe about God and why?  If you needed to defend it, could you?

We want to share with you each of our life journey’s .  We’ll be sharing stories about how we got to where we are today and how we continue to move forward in faith.  We believe our mission is to share what we’ve learned, learn from others and continue to deepen our relationship with God.  We hope you will enjoy our  stories and that we offer a little something for you to think about, maybe pray about and then hopefully act on.  Providing feedback and some of your own stories is always welcome.

Within our blog, you will be able to find some book reviews.  Bill is an avid reader and loves to share his knowledge with others, sometimes in challenging ways.  But he will always provide stories to keep you thinking and wonderful resources for you to dig into should the spirit move you.  Reading is a wonderful way to gain knowledge about our faith.  There’s always another book to open, so let’s hope you discover some new ones. To learn more about Bill, click here.

You will also find some bible study from Dick.  That is his specialty, teaching the bible.  He also sometimes asks those unanswerable questions that make my head hurt.  But it is in knowing the bible that we come to know Christ.  He will be sharing  his insights and take you through the bible on a slow journey so you too will be armed with knowledge to defend your faith. For more information about Dick, click here

Marj and Linda will be sharing their real world thoughts on living their faith.  Linda will share her everyday encounters with Christ through her work, at home and with her friends.  Marge will also share those stories found in her travels to Greece, Rome and even to the bank.  Living our faith doesn’t need to be difficult, time-consuming, scary or any number of other reasons we often give for not pursuing a knowledge of Christ and letting the world know that we are followers. For more information about Marj, click here or for Linda, click here.

Music is a big part of any faith journey, so you will probably find a song posted at the end of a blog for you to listen to and see if it speaks to you.  Music is such a beautiful part of life.  So many times we hear a familiar song and we are reminded of a time, a person or something that brings back memories.

One or our favorite songs is:  Here I am Lord.   We are glad you are here and hope that you will stay awhile


Greetings! My name is Marj and I live in Texas with my husband Richard. I am currently retired and I love to read, share conversation, drink coffee, travel, enjoy wine and write. It seems there's never enough time in the day for all my projects, but then it's good to always have a project on hand and not wonder what to do next.

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