Living the Christian Experience

A Life Long Journey of Faith

The Miracle Births

Resized_20160715_121925Advent is the season of expectation of the Christ.  Although it has a somewhat penitential tone to it, the focus is on the coming of the Messiah (deliverer), Jesus Christ. From the time of the Babylonian Captivity the Jewish people were anticipating the promised chosen one that Isaiah spoke of in 7:14; 11:1-5; Jeremiah 31:31 (God’s covenant promise).  Today, as we celebrate the season of Advent, we anticipate and are called to be prepared for the second coming of our Lord and savior (Lk 21:34-36).

The Good News is that the Kingdom of God is here in our presence with the miracle birth (the Incarnation into the world) of Jesus Christ, announced to Mary by the angel Gabriel, through the power of the Holy Spirit.  We celebrate the miracle birth of Jesus every year at Christmas time.  There were, however, five other miracle births that preceded the birth of Jesus, all of whom were covenant representatives in Israel.  From the Covenant with Abraham, that his descendants would be more than the stars in the heavens and that he would be the father of nations (Gen 15), through Isaac and Jacob, God showered His glory upon them.

In Jewish tradition a barren woman was a sign of God’s disfavor (Gen 30:2) while a fruitful womb is a divine blessing (Deut 7:14; Ps 128:3-5).  The five miracle births are 1) Abraham and Sarah who gave birth to Isaac (Gen 21:1); 2) Isaac and Rebekah who gave birth to Esau and Jacob (Gen 25:21); 3) Jacob and Rachel who gave birth to Joseph (Gen 30:22); 4) Manoah and his wife[name not given] who gave birth to Samson (Judges 13:1-24); ElKanah and Hannah who gave birth to Samuel (1 Sam 1: 19-20); Zechariah and Elizabeth who gave birth to John (Lk 1:13-25).  Each birth represents the covenant promise that God made to the Jewish people, culminating in the birth of Jesus Christ.

So as you prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas day just keep in mind the other miracle births that prefigured God’s greatest gift to all of mankind.  The promise that was fulfilled through the birth of His Son and our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ to the Virgin Mary. This very special birth that we celebrate as Christmas.


In my past life I was a speech teacher, insurance agent, youth minister, Director Religious Education, Director of Adult Formation and now retired!!! They were all equally exciting and amazing experiences during which I learned a lot about me and my journey with Christ. I am also a husband, father and grandfather of eight, which has been even more amazing. Life is a journey and I enjoy passing along my knowledge of the bible and our Catholic faith to those willing to listen and share in my insights. Comments are always welcome!

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