Living the Christian Experience

A Life Long Journey of Faith


If you were out walking or hiking and it began to rain, where would you seek shelter?  Perhaps you could hurry home or to your car.  Perhaps you might be close enough to an open store or other building with an awning.  Perhaps while hiking you might find a small cave or outcropping of rock.

During these pandemic times, we have been told to stay home/stay safe, or to shelter in place.  Do you find your home to be a shelter?  There are many kinds of shelter.  Some provide safety from weather; some provide safety from physical harm.  The pandemic advice is intended to provide us with safety from physical illness, which it can do.  But what could shelter us from spiritual illnesses?

When I am struggling against fear of contracting Covid-19, when I am feeling like the pandemic is letting me know in a big way that I am not in full control of my circumstances, that is certainly a time when I turn to God for help.  He is always with us, and always invites us to turn to him.  I believe that God wants to offer us a shelter that provides much more than physical safety.  He offers us hope and a yoke that is light.  He calls us to have courage.  He does not want our hearts to be troubled.

In the early months of the pandemic, one of our composers of modern church music was inspired to write a song as his attempt to “find God’s presence even in these fraught times”.  Fr. Michael Joncas had been praying about the global pandemic at bedtime.  When he awoke at 3 am, he had the “germ of an idea to write a prayer-song”, and by 10 am, the song was basically finished.  Only a few more tweaks remained (normally he takes weeks or even months to complete a composition).  I believe that this is a gift from God, to all of us, thanks to Fr. Joncas being open to the Spirit.  I invite you to find a quiet place and reflect on the words, maybe even listen to the music, and ask the Lord to shelter you.

Shelter Me

By Fr. Michael Joncas

Shepherd and sheep, my God and I: to fresh, green fields you led my steps in days gone by.

You gave me rest by quiet springs and filled my soul with peace your loving presence brings.


O shelter me, O shelter me: the way ahead is dark and difficult to see.

O shelter me, O shelter me: all will be well if only you will shelter me.


Yet now I tread a diff’rent way: death dogs my path with stealthy steps from day to day.

I cannot find your peaceful place, but dwell in dreary darkness, longing for your face.


I will look back in days to come, and realize your faithfulness has led me home.

Within your house I’ll find my peace, trusting that in your mercy you have sheltered me.


© 2020 GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.





  1. Beautiful, Denise! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and I loved the Joncas song! Nativity in St. Paul is where I attend mass when I am in Minnesota for my annual summer visit!

  2. Denise, thank you for your very insightful words. I came away from your article with an Ah Ha moment. What can begin as a place of shelter and safety can (by losing focus) become a place of confinement or imprisonment if it goes on to long. Social distancing at home is a place of shelter but after a period of time (and losing focus) it can start to become a place of isolation and confinement. If I keep my focus on Jesus (as Peter did when he stepped out of the boat) I will find my place of shelter from harm. When I lose my focus on Jesus, I lose my sheltering place of peace and harmony, and just like Peter, I will begin to sink. Love the song, very hopeful.

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